Sunshine Superman

I’m not going to argue with you…Sponge Bob Squarepants is a superhero.  He fits all the qualifications, and, I would venture to assert that he is more of a superhero than, say, Batman, or Iron Man.  Those guys don’t even have powers.  Sponge Bob does.

 Yes, Batman and Iron Man are super (duper) men.  Both fabulously rich.  Both strong in mind and body.  Both with incredible toys and custumes for sure.  But, take away the wealth, they’re probably just ordinary dudes.  OK, maybe a little extraordinary, but not superheros. 

My google dictionary defines a superhero as “a benevolent fictional character with superhuman powers, such as Superman.”  Super cool?…check.  Super looking?…sure.  Super moves?...oh, yeah.  Super special?...most definitely. Yes, I would say it takes a special person to launch off a building with a Battarang or climb into a robot suit and soar to massive heights.  Still doesn’t make them a superhero, not by that definition.  And, I realize that Bruce Wayne is a super detective and that Tony Stark’s intellect ranks up there with Banner and Reed Richards, but…superhuman?

 Then there’s SpongeBob SquarePants, a true superhero.  Yes, he’s not human, but neither are a lot of mutants and aliens.  He does, however, have several super abilities, like the ability to shape shift and the ability to fill up with water and spit it out at incredible volumes.  He’s got super durability and can regenerate lost body parts, quickly.  He’s resistant to fires and explosions.  He can’t drive a boat, but who needs fancy vehicles and gadgets when you have super powers.  Best of all, he’s got a kind heart…and, he can talk to fish! (looking at you, Aquaman).

So, argue amongst yourselves if you need, my mind is made up.

As always, play more games!