Trying A Little Bit Of Giving Back

Charles: In the grand scheme of things, Kyle and I are blessed. Great families, good jobs, health and we eat well, as evident by my quarantined & expanding waistline. We’re both still working our day jobs; both collecting regular paychecks; both still spending money on stuff. Kyle is mostly at home working hard. I’ve been out a bit here and there to client sites, one of those “essential employees”. I’ve got the card to prove it.

Kyle: Blessed indeed (but no card for me, just work-remote capability), whenever I start feel irritated in balancing working and some sort of homeschooling I try to remember this: I’m working, I am getting paid, and I have plenty to keep me busy. I also love seeing all the families out walking around and happy dogs all over the place.

Charles: Dunce Cap Games, for all intents and purposes, is still our side-gig that we are trying to make into something bigger, with the hope that someday the side-gig will be the only gig. Our hobby that became our passion project.

That said, we also realize there are a lot of folks out there who aren’t as lucky or in as good a place as us. People who have been laid off or furloughed. [Side note, doesn’t furloughed sound sort of shitty? Like your sending someone on sabbatical or for an extended vacation, instead of saying, “There’s no need for you to come in to work anymore.” Like that Carlin bit with “shell-shocked” vs. “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder”. Honesty in language, folks, right?]

We know there are so many people hurting, from those dealing with sick family members to those dealing with how they are going to cover their bills this month.

We wanted to give a little back a little and came up with our fun (and awesome) “quarantine” T-shirt. We figured we could sell some of these and donate the proceeds to a great charity. There are so many great causes to donate to, especially right now, from helping the artistic community, to doing something for nurses and frontline workers. We decided to help Food Lifeline of Seattle. One, because we’ve volunteered there before and will again in the future. And, two, because there is no nobler cause than helping hungry families eat. Something so basic in the human experience, but seemingly so difficult to sometimes achieve.

Food Lifeline is an extraordinary non-profit. They actually save food from waste and turn it into nutritious meals for people all over the Seattle area. They pick up, sort and re-deliver food from restaurants, grocery stores and other places, that wasn’t used or wasn’t sold, to food banks, shelters and other meal programs, saving literally tons of food that would otherwise have gone to waste.

If you grab one (or more!) of our new T-shirts together we can raise money to help this cause, and you’ll look absolutely styling in your new shirt, the envy of the pandemic, for sure!

You can get the shirts here:

They come in quarantine red and all adult sizes. The shirt features our special “quarantined” DCG logo, classy throwback saying on the front, and some great helpful safety tips on the back for those people coming up behind you.

Kyle: Also, to whoever orders the most T-Shirts I (Kyle) will personally buy you a take-out meal from one of your favorite local restaurants (no chain restaurants). I’ll be keeping an eye out for the quarantine red around the neighborhood.

Charles: Oh, man! You heard it here first. Can you get steak and lobster delivered?

Seriously, get the shirt and help a cause and a great organization.

Or, don’t get the shirt, but still help a cause. There’s plenty out there. If you have the means, find a worthwhile organization that is hurting right now and give what you can.

Thank a nurse!

Support a local small business!

Stay safe! Stay sane!…as always, play more games.