Santa-gria For Your Holiday Party

The holiday party season is in full swing. Company parties, family parties, parties at the neighbor’s house. Cookies, laughs, reminiscing about the year. Kids running around, shaking presents. Does anyone ever really hang mistletoe? Food, songs, caroling. The twinkling lights from the tree or wrapped around the windows. The sounds of a crackling fire and seasonal background music, the voices that carry. The smells of sugar and cinnamon and cloves.

What a special time of year. If you are entertaining this year, here is a great cocktail that is easy to make and can handle a crowd. The deep red inspired by Santa himself. The citrus brings back memories of that naval orange in your stocking, while the hints of cinnamon and cloves gives you them old fashioned holiday feels. The cherries as Rudolph noses give this drink a little bit of whimsy.

Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more

Santa-gria with Rudolph Noses

1 Cups of Orange Juice (prefer fresh squeezed - 2 oranges, save the rinds)

1/2 cup of sugar

1 bottle of your favorite Merlot

2-3 small cinnamon sticks (3 inch)

4 cloves (whole)

1 orange

1 lemon

1 small jar maraschino cherries

2 1/2 cups of club soda

Combine orange juice, sugar and wine in a large pitcher and stir until all the sugar dissolves. Cut orange and lemon into thin slices and seed them. Drain maraschino cherries. Add fruit, cloves and cinnamon sticks to the pitcher and chill for at least an hour. Stir in club soda before serving. Serve in a highball glass, hurricane glass or large wine glass. Enjoy!