Game Spotlight: Stratego

Stratego is a simple game of capture the flag inside a 10” by 10” board, blue versus red, with ten different troops, one flag each, and several bombs to protect a chosen strategy. The name Stratego is from the ancient Greek meaning leader of an army.

In the two player game each side gets 20 pieces: 8 scouts, 6 Bombs, 5 miners, 3 majors, 2 colonels, one each marshal, general, spy, flag, and 4 each sergeants, lieutenants, captains. New variant versions of the game have different types of pieces, like archers and cannons. Early pieces were cardboard in metal clips, then painted wood and then silver embossed plastic and, these days, stickers on plastic.

The game, called L'attaque was invented in France by Hermance Eden around 1910 and made its way to Great Britain a little before World War One. In 1942 Jacques Johan Mogendorff with its Napoleonic imagery was licensed in the Netherlands. Sub-licensed in 1961 Milton Bradley the game became available for American distribution. Today the title is owned by Hasbro.

There are now several versions including the original, a science fiction version, and a fantasy character version called Fire & Ice. Lot’s and lot’s of themed versions were also produced, like Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Marvel, Lord of the Rings, American Civil War, and Democrats vs. Republicans.

Several Stratego competitions are held throughout the world, including a World Championship held in the Netherlands. Tim Slagboom from the Netherlands won the gold in 2019. Angel Baron won the bronze, the first American winner since the competition began in 1997.

As always, play more games!