How Hard Should You Compete?

… in a board game with your friends and family?


We all know that person...

The fierce competitor who, when playing a game, will do everything in their power to crush you and all other opponents. Victory is the only goal when playing a game. There needs to be a winner so why not them?

If they win, they gloat and strut like a rooster. If they lose, they bitch and moan and are no longer enjoying themselves in the least. They may even walk away if losing is immenant 

We also know that person who doesn’t give a whip about winning. Playing a game is simply and opportunity to get together with friends and family and have fun. Heck, they might even help other people win at their expense.



Playing with either competitive profile is difficult. It is not like you have a six figure wager on the game, so no need to let a loss ruin your day. And yet, in a competitive game, the goal is to win. If someone doesn’t care about winning, where is the fun in that?

So how hard should you compete?

Well, I sure don’t know. It is definitely situational.

I suppose we should try to win and be OK with losing. We should be gracious in our outcome while still actually trying to win in a competition. We can learn about ourselves through risk taking, failing, and succeeding. Play hard. Have Fun. Don't be a dick. 

What do you think?

(Here is a fun list of 10 Types of Board Game Players – perhaps you fit into one? I think I fit somewhere between The Referee and the Master Strategist)

Play on!