Learning and Gaming (Part 3 of 3)

What have you learned from playing board and card games?


Those who know me know that I am a huge fan of the game Axis and Allies. This is a massively complex WWII board game that generally takes at least a full day to play. I love it. I got back into this game about two years ago and started playing with friends and family in my neighborhood, and I might have gotten a little too obsessed with it... I am still into painting the miniatures and am always looking for an opportunity to play – Here’s one right here! 

Well guess what, I wanted to play more than I was so I joined up with this awesome meet up group (link here). I have yet to come close to winning a game with this group. If you look hard enough, there will always be someone out there who can crush you. Welcome to life... :)

This is final installment of a three-part blog series exploring some of the lessons I have learned from the arenas of board and card gaming. You can check out the first two below.

·       Part 1

·       Part 2

We would love to hear from you as well! Share some lessons you have learned from gaming in the comments section below.

So what else have I learned?

How to Engage with Others


Cooperative games help us develop our social skills, leadership, follower-ship and team accomplishment. Competitive games help us win with grace and lose with dignity. The world needs more people who are practiced and good at all  these things. We are all in this together after all.

We are social creatures and with the prevalence of screens and digital entertainment I think we are getting worse at interacting with our brothers and sisters in real life; in person sharing space. Board and card games force us to develop these skills.

How To Be in the Moment


Well, at least in a framed moment. If you are in the future swimming in anxiety or in the past buried with regrets you will not play the game well. Games give you a great opportunity to work on your presence in the moment which is ultimately what we need to get good at to be truly happy.

Yes, think ahead and plan. Yes, learn from your past mistakes. And most of all, YES, play your game in the moment you are in. Be here, have fun, try and win.

And of course, naturally, most of all, I’ve learned…

How to Win


While I am definitely not the most competitive person I know I sure enjoy winning. I love seeing a perfect strategy actually execute and work. I love hitting that lucky roll or card to claim victory. I have also learned not to gloat or rub it in.

When we are victorious in a game or in life how we act in that victory defines our character. I’ve learned through being on the receiving end of many of a crap winner how it feels. And I have resolved to not do that to someone else.

In victory be happy and celebrate. And honor your opponents. If you can learn from winning as much as you can from losing, you are a true pro. Game on.

In Summary

There are a ton of other lessons I have learned through play and board gaming. We would love to hear from you – what have you learned? Something saucy I hope… Thanks for reading!

Do the community a favor and share a lesson you have learned from gaming below!