Dunce Cap Games

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Checking In...It's Been a Minute

How are you? How are you really? Are you still holding up? It kind of felt like the peak of this thing had been reached, then, like a kick in the stomach, the Covid cases climbed again, and, before you can say, “Wham, bam, thank you ma’am,” back into more isolation you go! Schools, at least around here, are pulling back plans for even partial in classroom days for students. We may have a pull back in our state on businesses re-opening fully.

2020, the gift that keeps giving, right? There’s some things you can and should do:

  • Keep in regular contact with family and friends, especially those that are older and/or live alone. Zoom, Skype, Facetime, or even just a phone call. “I love you, mom,” goes a long way.

  • Get outside! Take a walk, take a hike, ride a bike, with your neighbors talk! Kind of Dr. Suess-y there, but getting some vitamin D is always a good idea. Maintain your distances, but get out and absorb some nature and some non-contact human contact.

  • Reach out to a professional therapist if you are feeling way too lonely. It’s OK to work on your mind these days.

  • Play more games! For real. Keep your brain occupied. Need suggestions? Hit us up! Catch up on your summer readying list.

  • Create a summer camp at home for your kids. Arts and crafts, obstacle courses, sing some songs. There are some Apps and even Comcast is doing a virtual summer camp. Check them out.

  • Exercise is a great idea. No time like a pandemic to get yourself healthy.

  • Keep the social change rolling. There are still peaceful protests happening. You can still effect change out there. Keep up the fight and momentum.

Stay safe out there. Thank a nurse! Write your elected officials. Play more games. We love you and want you healthy.