Start of Something Special: DCGTV!

I’ve always been fascinated by television and radio production. The terminology, the behind the scenes inner workings all very cool. I had planned on going to college for such things, but, then I met a girl, got involved and lost track of such things. I never lost the interest and TV and radio still fascinate me today. That’s why it’s exciting to announce a new Dunce Cap Games venture: DCGTV!

DCGTV is us, talking about board gaming, pop culture, music, politics, current events, parenting, adulting and more useful drivel. We also plan on having interesting guests and visiting awesome businesses (Covid allowing). Nothing is off limits as we ease into this and figure it out, but it will be fun & entertaining, we’ll work hard at that. Some levity in these trying times.

We’ll upload episodes to something called: “YouTube”, every week.

Turn on, tune in and enjoy! Let us know how we do, feedback is always appreciated.

Thank a nurse! Stay safe! As always, play more games!